Whether you permanently work from home, or would simply like a home office for days when you do bring the work home with you, it takes some consideration to select the right space to set up. Finding room for your home office can be as simple as adding a desk and chair to an empty room that is already available, or placing your laptop on a center table and getting to work. However, if you want to make space for a dedicated home office, here are 9 tips that could come in handy.

Spare Room
Let’s start with the most obvious option. If you have a spare room that is not being used at all, or is maybe being used for storage, then it would be the most likely space to set up a home office. If the room is completely empty, you can maximize the space and introduce your interior design skills to make the space your own. The first two things to consider are a moderate desk and a comfortable chair.
Save the embellishments for last and apply them as the space allows; these would include lamps, centerpieces, plaques, calendars, etc. You may think that some of these embellishments are vital to your creative juices, but an overcrowded desk and workspace is likely to restrict your flow as well.
Unused corner
Sometimes a spare room is not available or simply not an option. However, corners can sometimes be wasted space in a home, but they are also ideal places for aptly shapes space savers and can also be your new home office. This could be a space in your living room, dining room, bedroom, or any other space that has a free corner that wouldn’t be too distracting.
After locating that perfect corner, the next step would be to get a small L-Shaped desk to fit right in. Measure the available space before you start shopping. Try not to get too fancy as this space is likely to be small and you do not want to overcrowd it with an unnecessarily extravagant desk. Try to get a small chair that can be pushed all the way in when not in use so that it doesn’t constantly stick out in the room. It would be best if the chair is adjustable and if an armrest is necessary, try to get one that can also be adjusted to allow the chair to go fully under the table. However, while these features are amicable for the purpose of space-saving and aesthetics, your first consideration should always be comfort. Your chair should offer back support and comfortable padding for your derriere.
Having an office in your hallway is not exactly space-saving, but when you have no space to begin with, its the perfect solution for a home office. Hallways are often empty except for the occasional pairs of shoes or coat rack. But with a long narrow desk and a small comfortable chair, it can be the perfect place to set up your office space. Try to get a desk with more space going off to the sides and less coming out towards the front.

If your closet is already completely overstuffed with comforters, shoes, handbags, and too much clothing, then this may not be the solution for you. But if you are short on space and your closet is not being fully utilized, it can be the perfect way to make space for a home office. You can close the closet door when you are not using the office and if the closet is too small to the point where your desk and chair sticks out a little, that is still ok, you can simply put up a curtain that will blend back into your room’s decor while separating your home office from the rest of the room.
Portable home office
A portable home office can be as simple as a folding table or a small full-size desk on wheels. This is especially handy when you use a laptop as opposed to a desktop. You can also use a chair that you already own like a dining room chair or vanity chair. Then once you are done, the desk can be rolled back into an area where it is out of the way or is used for something else until you are ready to pull it back out. It may not allow you to have embellishments such as table lamps and a vase of flowers, but it will definitely help you to get some office work done even though you do not have a dedicated office space.
Some basements can seem cold and grungy, and the tiny windows and limited lighting doesn’t improve its air of gloom. But a basement can make a good home office with a few decor adjustments. Firstly, select an area that has ample space away from any clutter or pipes or storage items, then install an area rug that suits your style and taste. Now select and place your desk and chair with your back towards the wall so that you can look outwards towards the door or window. You probably won’t see much of anything, but you won’t feel as couped-up. Select a nice table lamp or plaque, or vase, or whatever makes you happy and have it close by. You can even have a floating shelf where you can add additional tools or embellishments to make the space more comforting and efficient.

Similar to the basement, you will have to select a dedicated space to make your own. Attics tend to have more windows and natural lighting than basements, but can still feel claustrophobic. So it’s up to you to adjust your furniture and incorporate your own flair of decor and aesthetics to make it feel like your own efficient office space.

If you have a garage but don’t own a vehicle, it’s likely that your garage is being used for storage. All you would be required to do, is organize your storage space and limit it to one side of the garage and adjust the order side to be your office space. However, if you do own a car, a garage home office will require a little more finesse to make it work depending on the size of your garage and the size of your vehicle. A floating office shelf would probably be best. It would need to be the perfect height to allow you and your chair to come and go, and also be wide enough to hold a laptop and possible a mouse or keyboard as well.

General tip
Aside from finding the space to set up as your home office, you should also take other things into consideration. Ensure that you are installing your desk near an outlet. This is especially important if you are using a desktop and not a laptop. You want to minimize the use of extension wires which can be a trip hazard or just add to the clutter in a small space. On that same note, try to be close to your modem if you use a wired internet connection, or at least be close to your router if you use wifi. Another thing to consider is how to blend into your existing decor. If you do not have the luxury of a spare room, you will most likely be sharing the space of an existing room with existing furniture. Try to purchase office furniture and decor that fits in with the furniture that is already situated in the room. This way your office seems like its a part of the room rather than a random addition.

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